Initial Thoughts on Gmail

For those of you that thought Google’s new e-mail service was just a great April Fool’s joke, here’s some news for you: GMail is real…seriously. I’m not sure how they are planning on offering 1GB of space for each user, but I’m assuming they can probably do it if they say they can. Anyway, I’ve seen a lot of posts here recently talking about how great it is to have a 1GB mailbox. Something these hubbers don’t reallize, is the privacy rights Google is reserving. I don’t have a lot of time to write this post so I’ll keep it short and you can take it how ever you would like:

1.) “Residual copies of email may remain on our systems, even after you have deleted them from your mailbox or after the termination of your account.”

2.) “We reserve the right to transfer your personal information in the event of a transfer of ownership of Google…”

Both of those statements are from the GMail Privacy Policy here:

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know that I want google storing ALL of my personal e-mails basically FOREVER especially in the event that another company takes them over or merges with them…

C# Hub Ideas

I made a post in the message board a couple of days ago about what people would like to see in the C# Hub…but hardly anyone read it (I do like that feature of theSpoke’s boards…) so I thought I’ll try to get it jumpstarted with a quick blog post. So if anyone out there has any ideas about how to make the hub better, then please post your ideas here (or you can just comment on this blog as well):

I’m still working on some ideas that I had and I’ll blog about them soon, but I’m trying to get some other ideas since I’m not the only one in that hub. So if there are any tutorials you’d like to see, any specific polls, or downloads etc. feel free to mention them or anything else.

Wanna Be Game Developers…let the learning begin

If any of you have ever wanted to see the source of a full 3D game, well, here’s your chance. What game? Microsoft’s Allegiance. It’s from back in 2000 and it’s a space sim from the pics. I haven’t played it so I can’t say what it’s like, but I’m sure there is a lot of good stuff in the source to look at for examples in how to develop your own game. I haven’t had a chance to look at the actual source yet, but I’m going to assume it’s in C++…anyway, here’s what you’re waiting on: (You’ll see the download link on right.)

If you’re interested in finding out more about the game, you’ll find some info here: