What I’m Doing Now

This week has been relatively uneventful. A larger project at work is almost done, my daughter wrapped up camp and prepped to start school, and I spent some time working on our HVAC. I didn’t make any video game progress nor did I work on my meal planning project.

My Alexa skill Monster Scanner was promoted by Amazon a few weeks ago and it’s still getting a ton of use. I’ve been monitoring it just to make sure it’s still running well for people. It’s crazy how a skill I built so long ago set out there without much use at all and then all the sudden took off.

This week is more of the same. The HVAC part I ordered ended up being broken in shipping (or was bad from the manufacturer), so I’m waiting on a new part. It’s a bit toasty until that gets here, but it should be pretty easy to fix once I get it. No other big plans this week other than making sure school gets off to a good start.

Last Updated: July 20th, 2024

Inspired by Derek Sivers