What I’m Doing Now

This week was more fighting with AWS CDK setup to get a project to work just the way we wanted. I think we finally figured it out (with one small exception that will go away in the future). I really don’t like trying to figure out some of these issues in AWS since there is almost no information to go on and there are some basically unspoken rules about how thing have to work. It “just works” unless it doesn’t and then it basically doesn’t work at all or would only work if you know the one special trick for that specific setup.

At the end of the day though, we figured out what we needed. I also spent some time building out my home server. Now it has 80GB of RAM, 6 cores/12 threads, and 2TB of fast SSD. I have Docker running there and it’s handling things like a champ. It’s not actually server hardware, but it’ll do the job I need just fine.

This week is more of the same in general.

Last Updated: October 19th, 2024

Inspired by Derek Sivers