Checking In

Just a quick post to say I’m still around…  I haven’t been updating this blog much because things got quite busy at work and after that settled down, I started working on a small iPhone app that I’ve been wanting for a long time.

On October 14th, I finally released my app (called Budgee) to the Apple App Store.  So far, it’s been a blast – I use the app daily, I’ve heard good things overall from those that have contacted me about it, and I have some interesting things I’d like to do with it in the future…plus several more apps that are in the queue.  If you’re interested in seeing what I’m up to in the iPhone world, the blog I’ll be updating for that (and I will be updating it) is: (if you want to see Budgee, it’s here:

Anyway – not much else to say other than I’m still not going to be posting too many updates to this blog in the near future.  I’m really trying to focus most of my free time getting my new iPhone venture up and running at full speed.

iPhone Apps

Well, about three months ago, I applied for the Apple iPhone Developer Program so I could build a few apps for my iPhone.  Last Friday, I was finally approved.  I’m not sure why it took so long for Apple to open things up, but I’m glad they finally released the finished SDK and let everyone in. I’m sure in the next couple of months, there will be some awesome applications out there.  I’ve been working most of the weekend on my first app, but I’ll talk more about that later.

I did notice that one of the top 10 apps (#9 currently) is “iBeer” – it uses the iPhone’s accelerometer to display “beer” on the iPhone’s screen that looks as if it were in a glass when you tip the iPhone up to your mouth.  I think it’s an interesting use of the hardware and all, but I can’t believe it’s a top 10 non-free app.  I mean, this thing costs $3 + tax…  Just amazing what people value these days (but congratz to the developer for coming up with that – paying off big time I’m sure).

Ok, so I lied – Back to Mac & WinXP

Yesterday, I posted about how I was giving up OS X after 3 months of use. Well, after 24 hours of use, I remembered why I tried to switch to mac to start with…activation.  I’m one of those people that likes to reformat a machine when it’s getting too much crud – after all, as a software developer, I try out new things when they come out and that’s not really a good thing for the system if you want to keep it clean and fast.  The problem, is that I don’t really want to tie Vista to my MacBook since I may want to go back to OS X at some point…  I remembered I had my dual core Athlon 64 desktop w/ triple monitors just sitting in a closet, so found some desk space and fired it up.  It’s so much easier to get my .NET development on using my desktop. I’m sure it’s just habit, but it just doesn’t feel right on the laptop (and I miss my third screen).
So, now my MacBook is transitioning back to OS X Leopard (looking forward to Snow Leopard though if they really do speed things up), but my main workhorse is my trusty old desktop.  I really hate not using Vista since I purchased it at retail, but XP just feels better (and Vista doesn’t like my desktop…but XP flies on it thanks to the ton o’ RAM and 10K RPM SATA drive).
I’m really surprised that I didn’t like having a dedicated Vista laptop, but it just didn’t feel right once everything was said and done.  With this new setup, things seem just right…old habits die hard.