Why I’m Excited About VR

Virtual Reality (VR) is something I’ve dreamt about for a very long time. If I had to pinpoint when I started getting interested in it, it was when I first saw the Holodeck1 on Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s one thing to read about some fantastical world in a book and another to see that world come to life in a movie or even a traditional video game. It’s an entirely different experience to experience that same world yourself in VR.

In VR, there is the notion of “presence” – the sense that you’re actually there existing as part of that virtual world. It’s hard to describe until you experience it yourself, but one tiny, but powerful example is the Oculus Henry trailer.

In this trailer, you meet the star of the movie Henry, a little hedgehog. He comes out of the shadows and stands in front of you and puts our his arms for a hug. This trailer is interesting because of two reasons. First, Henry certainly looks like he’s standing right there in front of you due to the quality of the 3D rendering. Second, and more importantly, Henry knows where you’re looking2 so he actually makes and maintains eye contact with you as you look around. That makes it feel much more “real” than any other 3D I’ve seen.

You’ll see people compare VR to 3D TVs and 3D movies. While VR and older 3D content such as that certainly share a few things in common, most notably, the notion of depth, that’s about the only thing they have in common. With older 3D content, everything you saw was from a fixed viewpoint…you couldn’t move your head to see around an object or look in a direction the director didn’t intend. When you add in the freedom VR hardware gives you, it’s such a different experience.

The first VR experiences will be mostly games and entertainment experiences, which will certainly be great, but I’m most excited to see what other industries adopt VR. In particular, I think there is a ton of potential in the education space. One of the demos I tried put me in a classroom talking about dinosaurs and then it took me back in time so I could see the dinosaurs as I learned about them. Content like that will be amazingly powerful once VR becomes much more accessible & cheap.

I’ve experienced a ton of 3D content in my life and I can honestly say, nothing compares to the experience of VR. The VR that exists today is the first major step into the future. I can’t wait to start experiencing the amazing new content that is now possible and I’m even more excited to see what comes next.

  1. Yes, yes, I realize the Holodeck isn’t VR, nor is it augmented reality (AR). It’s practically a universe simulator in many ways and that’s quite a few steps from where today’s technology stands. 
  2. Technically, the consumer technology out there now doesn’t know exactly where you’re looking, it only knows where your head is pointing. If you keep your head pointing straight ahead, but look all the way to the left or right with your eyes alone, today’s VR hardware doesn’t know you’re not actually looking straight ahead. This will change in future hardware versions, but for all practical purposes, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re looking straight ahead so the effect works really well even without this detailed eye tracking. 

Trying Out Let's Encrypt

If you’re like me, you probably never bothered setting up a security certificate on your personal/hobby projects since there was a cost to get the certificate and some pain with actually acquiring/installing the certificate.
If you haven’t heard of Let’s Encrypt, it’s a publicly available, free, certificate authority that you can use to generate SSL/TLS certificates for any website. Now that Let’s Encrypt is available, I thought I’d give it a spin since it looked easy enough and the price was right.

Installation with Nginx

I expected the process to be somewhat painful to get signed up, get the certificate issued to my server, and get it installed. It turns out, it’s really not painful at all thanks to this nifty tutorial from Digital Ocean.
All you really have to do is install some packages with your package manager, run a simple command line command, follow the prompts, and then configure your preferred web server to use the certificate. It’s worth noting that nothing in that tutorial is specific to Digital Ocean. I prefer Linode and run everything there, but the instructions are very generic, so they should work just fine with any host.
Nginx is my default choice for a web server/proxy. Apache support is baked into Let’s Encrypt, but I’m happy to report that Nginx works just fine as well. The only real difference (as I understand it) is that you’ll need to manually or programmatically handle the renewal of your Let’s Encrypt certificates. I believe you get that taken care of “out of the box” if you’re using Apache, but that tutorial link above has a nice solution for Nginx.
The actual certificate generation & download amounts to this (see tutorial for details):
sudo git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt
sudo service nginx stop
cd /opt/letsencrypt
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone

You probably noticed there was an nginx stop command in there. That’s needed for this particular install method because Let’s Encrypt temporarily uses port 80 to authenticate your server before issuing the certificate. There are other ways of doing it, but this is a super easy way to get that first certificate. In the tutorial, they explain how to automate certificate renewal and that process does not require Nginx to stop, so this is a one time per root domain kind of deal.


For my use case (personal & hobby sites), Let’s Encrypt works perfectly. While I was researching it, I did see a few situations where it may be less than optimal, so I’ll point them out in case they are important to you.

No Wildcard Support

You can include any number of domains in your certificate, but you must explicitly list out each one. If I wanted to get a certificate for project1.adambyram.com, project2.adambyram.com, and project3.adambyram.com, all in one certificate, I definitely could.
What isn’t allowed though is getting a certificate that covers all subdomains (*.adambyram.com). This is only an issue in cases where you have a SaaS application that generates a dynamic subdomain for each user/account.

Certificate Issuance Throttling

You may be thinking you could work around the lack of wildcard support by automating the process of getting a new certificate when you need it. The catch is that you’ll be throttled to 5 certificates per top level domain per week. I’m sure this limit is subject to change, so double check this restriction before you give up. This wouldn’t be as bad if it didn’t apply to the top level domain, but unless/until that changes, this makes using Let’s Encrypt on a service that uses dynamic subdomains a no-go.

Required “A” DNS Record

In order to verify your domain, Let’s Encrypt will check your DNS entries and verify that the server that is attempting to generate the certificate is the same server matching the domain’s A DNS record. That means you’ll have to run the certificate generation script from your server. It’s probably not a huge deal for most small scale sites, but for larger sites or PaaS-hosted sites, it may be an issue.
There are alternate ways to get the certificates, including using a CSR to do it, so you can still use Let’s Encrypt in these cases, but the tutorial I linked to won’t be as helpful.

90 Day Certificate Expiration

Not necessarily a gotcha, but something to be aware of. All Let’s Encrypt certificates expire 90 days after issue, so you’ll need to plan for that (you can renew it programmatically). You can regenerate the certificates anytime you want, so I decided to follow the tutorial’s advice and generate new ones when the existing certificate was 30 days or less away from expiration. Obviously, the more domains you secure, the more overhead this adds, but at least it’s relatively easy to automate.

Final Thoughts

In less than 5 minutes, I had my non-HTTPS site upgraded with a brand new SSL/TLS certificate and all traffic rerouted through the secure channel. I’m really impressed it wasn’t more involved.
The security certificate seems to be trusted just fine by all of the devices & browsers I’ve tried. The fact that the certificates have to be renewed at least every 90 days is a little bit of an annoyance, but it’s easy enough to automate that I don’t really see it being an issue. Overall, Let’s Encrypt is really an awesome solution and I plan to roll it out to all of my personal/hobby sites going forward.
If you’re curious what the certificate looks like in your browser, this blog has one of my Let’s Encrypt certificates, so feel free to check that out.

Trying Out Let’s Encrypt

If you’re like me, you probably never bothered setting up a security certificate on your personal/hobby projects since there was a cost to get the certificate and some pain with actually acquiring/installing the certificate.

If you haven’t heard of Let’s Encrypt, it’s a publicly available, free, certificate authority that you can use to generate SSL/TLS certificates for any website. Now that Let’s Encrypt is available, I thought I’d give it a spin since it looked easy enough and the price was right.

Installation with Nginx

I expected the process to be somewhat painful to get signed up, get the certificate issued to my server, and get it installed. It turns out, it’s really not painful at all thanks to this nifty tutorial from Digital Ocean.

All you really have to do is install some packages with your package manager, run a simple command line command, follow the prompts, and then configure your preferred web server to use the certificate. It’s worth noting that nothing in that tutorial is specific to Digital Ocean. I prefer Linode and run everything there, but the instructions are very generic, so they should work just fine with any host.

Nginx is my default choice for a web server/proxy. Apache support is baked into Let’s Encrypt, but I’m happy to report that Nginx works just fine as well. The only real difference (as I understand it) is that you’ll need to manually or programmatically handle the renewal of your Let’s Encrypt certificates. I believe you get that taken care of “out of the box” if you’re using Apache, but that tutorial link above has a nice solution for Nginx.

The actual certificate generation & download amounts to this (see tutorial for details):
sudo git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt
sudo service nginx stop
cd /opt/letsencrypt
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone

You probably noticed there was an nginx stop command in there. That’s needed for this particular install method because Let’s Encrypt temporarily uses port 80 to authenticate your server before issuing the certificate. There are other ways of doing it, but this is a super easy way to get that first certificate. In the tutorial, they explain how to automate certificate renewal and that process does not require Nginx to stop, so this is a one time per root domain kind of deal.


For my use case (personal & hobby sites), Let’s Encrypt works perfectly. While I was researching it, I did see a few situations where it may be less than optimal, so I’ll point them out in case they are important to you.

No Wildcard Support

You can include any number of domains in your certificate, but you must explicitly list out each one. If I wanted to get a certificate for project1.adambyram.com, project2.adambyram.com, and project3.adambyram.com, all in one certificate, I definitely could.

What isn’t allowed though is getting a certificate that covers all subdomains (*.adambyram.com). This is only an issue in cases where you have a SaaS application that generates a dynamic subdomain for each user/account.

Certificate Issuance Throttling

You may be thinking you could work around the lack of wildcard support by automating the process of getting a new certificate when you need it. The catch is that you’ll be throttled to 5 certificates per top level domain per week. I’m sure this limit is subject to change, so double check this restriction before you give up. This wouldn’t be as bad if it didn’t apply to the top level domain, but unless/until that changes, this makes using Let’s Encrypt on a service that uses dynamic subdomains a no-go.

Required “A” DNS Record

In order to verify your domain, Let’s Encrypt will check your DNS entries and verify that the server that is attempting to generate the certificate is the same server matching the domain’s A DNS record. That means you’ll have to run the certificate generation script from your server. It’s probably not a huge deal for most small scale sites, but for larger sites or PaaS-hosted sites, it may be an issue.

There are alternate ways to get the certificates, including using a CSR to do it, so you can still use Let’s Encrypt in these cases, but the tutorial I linked to won’t be as helpful.

90 Day Certificate Expiration

Not necessarily a gotcha, but something to be aware of. All Let’s Encrypt certificates expire 90 days after issue, so you’ll need to plan for that (you can renew it programmatically). You can regenerate the certificates anytime you want, so I decided to follow the tutorial’s advice and generate new ones when the existing certificate was 30 days or less away from expiration. Obviously, the more domains you secure, the more overhead this adds, but at least it’s relatively easy to automate.

Final Thoughts

In less than 5 minutes, I had my non-HTTPS site upgraded with a brand new SSL/TLS certificate and all traffic rerouted through the secure channel. I’m really impressed it wasn’t more involved.

The security certificate seems to be trusted just fine by all of the devices & browsers I’ve tried. The fact that the certificates have to be renewed at least every 90 days is a little bit of an annoyance, but it’s easy enough to automate that I don’t really see it being an issue. Overall, Let’s Encrypt is really an awesome solution and I plan to roll it out to all of my personal/hobby sites going forward.

If you’re curious what the certificate looks like in your browser, this blog has one of my Let’s Encrypt certificates, so feel free to check that out.