Inktober 17 – Day 9

Brush pen practice. I was originally thinking I’d go for a cartoon style, then a realistic style to practice feathers. It ended up somewhere in between since I needed to finish up early tonight. Today’s Prompt: Screech

Inktober 17 – Day 8

Who doesn’t love GLaDOS? Anyone that promises cake and lies about it is crooked, right? I wanted to give a robot drawing a go again. I went back to the brush pen for this. I think I’d have to use it for every drawing to actually learn to control it. Sometimes I got the line I wanted, but most of the time I didn’t. Todays’s Prompt: Crooked

Inktober – Week 1 Thoughts

At this point, I’ve completed the first full week of Inktober. I’m really enjoying it so far. I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to work on a couple of my drawings, but overall, I’m really pleased with what I’ve done. Is it professional art? No, certainly not, but it’s more “serious” drawing than I’ve ever done.

So with the first week behind me, what have I learned so far:

  • Brush pens are really hard to use, but give great line variation
  • I love the look of a dip pen nib
  • Thicker dip pen lines leave a mound of ink on the paper and it takes longer than I thought to dry
  • Getting the underdrawing right really helps
  • Curves are hard…I still have trouble drawing them in one smooth motion and it shows up in the linework
  • Texturing with only black ink still alludes me…I need to work more of this into week 2