Ain't Life Funny

Over the years (mainly since I’ve been in college), I have seen many people that are very gifted in some particular way.  They just seem to have one or two things they can really do better than 90% of the people out there.  But instead of using those talents to be productive, they just keep them on the back burner and do other things that they are only so-so good at.  Basically it boils down to a lot of people having jobs that they are not good at instead of having jobs they are great at.  Even if they do get a job they are good at, they will stay there a while, but since they are so good, they’ll move up the ladder quickly thus moving again into a job they aren’t quite as good at again.  I admit, I’m doing the same thing…I’m moving from a pure developer to more management (but still developing when there is work to be done) and for me, things just get old once you’ve done them once or twice and I imagine that is a major factor with other people as well.  I’m not saying anything at all is wrong with people doing things other than what they are good at, as I firmly believe people should work at something they love no matter what it is (as long as they can live off what they make).  But it just seems ironic that everyone that is perfect for some job doesn’t actually ever do that job.  I’m not sure that is making a whole lot of sense, but if it did, I’d like to hear other people’s thouhts on this.  I sometimes wonder where we would be (technologically and as a world in general) if everyone worked at jobs they were good at…

Ain’t Life Funny

Over the years (mainly since I’ve been in college), I have seen many people that are very gifted in some particular way.  They just seem to have one or two things they can really do better than 90% of the people out there.  But instead of using those talents to be productive, they just keep them on the back burner and do other things that they are only so-so good at.  Basically it boils down to a lot of people having jobs that they are not good at instead of having jobs they are great at.  Even if they do get a job they are good at, they will stay there a while, but since they are so good, they’ll move up the ladder quickly thus moving again into a job they aren’t quite as good at again.  I admit, I’m doing the same thing…I’m moving from a pure developer to more management (but still developing when there is work to be done) and for me, things just get old once you’ve done them once or twice and I imagine that is a major factor with other people as well.  I’m not saying anything at all is wrong with people doing things other than what they are good at, as I firmly believe people should work at something they love no matter what it is (as long as they can live off what they make).  But it just seems ironic that everyone that is perfect for some job doesn’t actually ever do that job.  I’m not sure that is making a whole lot of sense, but if it did, I’d like to hear other people’s thouhts on this.  I sometimes wonder where we would be (technologically and as a world in general) if everyone worked at jobs they were good at…

Re: Microsoft XNA

I posted a while back about Microsoft’s XNA game development platform. No one at the time had any idea what it was, but I ran into this really interesting interview that really sheds some light on things. It sounds like this technology will be one of the next big things IF they can pull it off. I’m not so sure that this is something MS can handle though. I really like the idea of my games playing on anything (not just game consoles…on cell phones, PocketPCs, etc.) without having to program specifically for each one. I’m really interested to see how MS tries to do this…