C# Compiler Source Code

For those of you that might be interested in seeing what the insides of a compiler look like, you might want to check out Mike Stall’s blog. He wrote a C# compiler (which was written in C# too) a couple of years ago and wanted to release the source code. Now this isn’t the “real” C# compiler (csc.exe) source, but it’s a good start for those wanting to know more about compilers (particularly those that might have a compiler class in college). Anyway, his actual post with a link to the code is here:


UPDATE: It looks like the download link is finally working again on his site. So if you couldn’t get the code earlier, it’s up now.

Digitial Black Belt Security Series

Just wanted to tell those of you that might be interested in security (mainly writing secure code, but I believe it will branch into more broad subjects too), you might want to check out Joe Stagner’s Digital Black Belt WebCast series (it’s through MSDN WebCasts). The official series site is here:


If you are one of the first 300 to attend six of these webcasts, MS is giving away free Black Belts (like a real black belt type thing…think Karate but minus the sparring :))

I met Joe at an MSDN Event a while back and he’s a really nice guy and he’s reallllllly into security (and he is actually quite familiar with non-MS products…aka Linux….and other interesting things…so he really has a broad knowledge base to use in his talks if the people want to go that way). ANyway, there’s a webcast TODAY (Feb 4, 2005) that’s to kick things off and I’m going to try attending. Here’s the link to it if you’re interested:

MSDN Webcast: Digital Blackbelt Series: The Software Security Crisis: Selling Management on the Need to Invest in Secure Software Development (Level 100)
MSDN Webcast: Digital Blackbelt Series: The Software Security Crisis: Selling Management on the Need to Invest in Secure Software Development (Level 100)
Friday, February 4, 2005
11:00 A.M.–12:00 P.M. Pacific Time, United States and Canada (UTC-8)

Tune in for an introduction to the Digital Blackbelt Series. Learn about the evolving “Secure Culture” at Microsoft Corporation and how your company can save money by spending defensively.


BTW, there is also a webcast today that Bill Gates is supposed to be at talking about the Office system and how developers can be building on that…here’s the link:


Time for a Change :)

Head over to Mario’s blog to get your Tsunami relief icon…he explains what to do there, but basically, if you’ll change your icon to one of three new icons he has in his blog post, then theSpoke will donate $5 (that would be $5 per profile icon…just $5 total for all of the theSpoke :)) to tsunami relief. Quick and easy way to help out.

(Here’s a direct link to Mario’s post…)