What do I mean by The Business of Life?

As I mentioned in my introductory post, Ive decided to take a new approach to life. This new approach is something Im going to be calling The Business of Life. The basic premise is that if one is to look at ones life as a manager looks at a business, one would be better able to focus on the things that matter and it would be more likely that one would reach his or her goals more easily than if he or she simply goes about life in a haphazard manner. Ill be developing (and evaluating) this line of thinking and documenting the results in this blog, but for starters, heres a quick overview of my thinking at the moment:

Always set goals for anything important to you.
These goals must be specific and measurable.
They must be actionable (i.e. you can do something about them).
Its very important that you monitor these goals to force yourself to make progress – sure, its work, but remember that this work is driving towards whatever you want most out of life so its the good kind of work.

Identify your priorities in life and organize everything else around them.
DO NOT look at your schedule and then decide which priorities you can focus on – decide the priorities you WILL focus on first.

Focus on what you can control.
If you really put your mind to it, there are very few things you have at least some degree of control over. Identify those things and focus on them and accept that those things that are out of your control are just going to happen and you dont have a choice if you do or dont like it. (e.g. You cant control if you get a promotion, but what you can control is your level of performance. Do the best job you can and thats all you can do.)

Remember there are always two choices in any given situation.
You may not like the other choices, but they are always there (of course, like any generalization there are bound to be exceptions, but for the most part, this has held very true in my experience). This is one of the topics I picked up during my MBA courses so Ill go into more detail on it later – but just remember there are always two choices and youll see for yourself how true it is.

Consider the tradeoff of each decision you make.
Everyone knows there are tradeoffs we make every day – but its been my experience that people fail to think about these tradeoffs and the implications of them BEFORE making the decision. Sure, youre still in control of your life because you did make the decision, but I would rather know the direction Im going before taking a step instead of it being a surprise afterwards. Of course, there are always going to be those times when you have to decide without knowing the impact of that decision, but most of the time, thats not the case.

That should be a good start towards what Im thinking – I need to do more reflecting on it and Ill continue to refine it and post it here, but these are at least in the ballpark. If anyone has any comments on this whole line of thinking, I welcome any feedback you may have.

And so it begins

It seems like giving a little overview of the blog is what the first post should usually be about these days, so here goes: Im a recent college graduate (Computer Science undergrad then straight through the MBA program) starting out at my first job in the real world. In the past, Ive done decently as far as managing my money, personal development, and life in general – but I havent really been focusing on the things that are important. Sometimes I happen upon them and things work out or I need to make a course correction and still manage fine, but I know there is a better way. This blog is going to be at least two things: something akin to a journal of my own experiences getting started in this real world as well as another perspective on the different areas of life that are of interest to me – in particular, personal finance, personal growth development, career development, and general lessons learned about the real world.

And now its time to start my job in the Business of Life.

New Blog Focus

Ok, so if you’ve noticed, I haven’t really posted all that much over the last couple of months…free time certainly does have something to do with it, but I think the real issue is that I’m not doing very much tech stuff that would be interesting to post about.  I can’t really talk about my research project because it involves some confidential information and such, so that’s out, and right now, there aren’t really a lot of things, life wise, going on that would be of interest.  One thing I’ve been wanting to do is to work through the ton of self-help / personal productivity books (e.g. Getting Things Done, How to Win Friends & Influence People, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, etc.) so what I’m planning on doing is allocating some team each week to make progress on those books (and perhaps some websites will be included too if useful) and then I’ll try to condense the knowledge into a blog post (e.g. 1 or 2 chapters condensed into a page or so).  Of course, this isn’t a substitute for reading the books (the two I mentioned are great BTW), but maybe it’ll be helpful to some of you out there – and it’ll get me going towards my goal of getting more professional development into my week and keep my blog active – so a win-win. 🙂  I’m probably going to start next week, so be watching for these new posts…hopefully they will provide some new perspectives – I know I completely missed a lot of this stuff in my CS program since business and professional development isn’t even an afterthought in technical programs. 

If any of this is interesting to you, you should check out “The Personal MBA” (http://personalmba.com) there are some great links there about business & professional development – tons of topics.  It’s a fairly new online community so it’s still growing, but it’s certainly worth a look as-is.  One thread there was all about “Does College Matter?” which was interesting.  (I believe college is extremely important – depending on what you want to do and the effort you’re willing to put into it.  If you’re not going to put forth the effort and just want to party, then no, you’re going to get out what you put in which won’t be anything of value.  But if you work to make the most of the experience, then you’ll get more value than you can imagine.  The other thing people miss is that they feel college is teaching you material – which it does to some degree – but the key point of college is to teach you to learn – NOT teach you subject X…but that’s a post for another day. 🙂 )

More to come…soon…