A short preview of Pinball Mini 2.0’s new background soundtrack “Wonder Dog” by Jordan Taylor.
The Ion-sized Enterprise
Talk about incredible precision – this is just amazing…and awesome.
365 iPhone Photo Project Kicked Off
Today (March 14th, 2010), I’m kicking off my 365 iPhone Photo Project. Lots of people have done this before (watching Patrick’s project finally inspired me to give it a go), so it’s nothing new to the interwebs, but it’s something new for me. I’m going to follow a few self-imposed guidelines for my project:
- Any subject is fine – random images are important.
- All photos must be taken, edited, and uploaded from my iPhone.
- 365 images are required to complete this project – ideally, they are consecutive, but I’d rather have 365 images from a year and a half instead of 200 images over 365 days (if it comes to that.)
- All photos must be made public – including being open to comments.
That’s it. I intentionally chose to use only the iPhone to force myself to deal with its limitations and imperfect photos. I love the fidelity of my DSLR cameras…the iPhone camera is relatively grainy, high noise (if not in bright daylight), and generally soft. The goal here is to look at the world in at least 365 different ways and embrace the imperfect. I think it’ll be fun. If you’re interested in following along, all photos will be going up in this set on Flickr account.