Inktober 17 – Day 15

So, yeah. Worst drawing so far. Pretty much everything is wrong and nothing worked out the way I wanted. I didn’t really even want to finish this one, but I didn’t have time for a different drawing tonight. I really need to learn how to draw people & cloth.

Today’s Prompt: mysterious

Inktober 17 – Day 14

This is almost a copy of the Dragon Ball Z dragon – I made a few modifications to make it faster for me to draw. I planned on doing some Copic shading and a little more shading with the brush pen, but it took way too long to even get to this point, so I’m calling it good enough. I really wanted to grab my multiliners for a lot of detail, but force myself to do it all with the brush.

Today’s Prompt: fierce

Inktober 17 – Day 13

So, this one was a lot of fun to do, but it turned out terribly. It’s a shiitake mushroom log. I’m pretty satisfied with the wood texture, but meh on the mushroom shading, and the dish thing at the bottom is awful. I had already drawn in part of the dish early on, so I couldn’t really get around the terribleness of it. I did this with my dip pen since I wanted to give that another go. Of course, I forgot the thick strokes take a really long time to dry, so I smudged it a bit. Not my best work, but it was quite fun to ink it anyway.

Today’s Prompt: Teeming