Inktober 17 – Day 18

I couldn’t think of anything else “filthy” that I wanted to draw for today’s prompt, so I went with “filthy rich”. Nothing original on this one, but it was fun to copy an existing character & pose. I’m not overly happy with how the Copics turned out, but they got the job done.

Today’s Prompt: filthy

Inktober 17 – Day 17

I know it’s probably not graceful to most people on the surface, but this is SpaceX’s Dragon plus cargo module ready for docking with the International Space Station. If you ever watch a live docking, you’ll see why I consider it graceful. This isn’t 100% technically accurate or anything, but it’s close enough for this evening.

Today’s Prompt: graceful

Inktober 17 – Day 16

It’s nothing fancy, but it’s an original without using photo reference for once. When my sister was little, I would make up stories about big round birds called Bowling Ball birds – so I thought it’d be fun to try drawing one for this prompt. It didn’t turn out amazing, but I’m pretty ok with it for a simple cartoon character. I thought about spending more time to clean it up, but I thought I better stop before I messed it up. 🙂

Today’s Prompt: fat