Inktober 17 – Day 30

Captain Toad. I tried to get the star looking right for at least 20 minutes – my hand just refuses to draw a proper Mario-style star. Toad turned out ok though. The line work isn’t the best and the hands are terrible, but I’m getting better at proportions at least. I messed up inking one of his eyes, so I made them both wonky so at least they match.

Today’s Prompt: found

Inktober 17 – Day 29

Powerpuff x Triforce. It really needs some shading of some sort, but I felt like I’d overdo it, so I just left it as-is. I stumbled across a Powerpuff Triforce Heroes sketch and really liked it, so I thought a Powerpuff Girl holding the Triforce would be nifty.

Today’s Prompt: united

Inktober 17 – Day 28

Poké Pumpkin. I wasn’t really feeling the prompt tonight, so I went with a quick pumpkin with a Pokémon face (Haunter).

Today’s Prompt: fall