Giving Tumblr a Try

I know I don’t post very much to this blog…I never have really. I can’t quite figure out a good use for my domain. I post a reasonable amount on Twitter these days, so I thought I’d give Tumblr a try. It’s a microblogging site – there is no 140 character limit like there is on Twitter, but it’s setup in a way that encourages quick, focused posts. I don’t know if I’ll stay active with it or not, but since I don’t have a good way to integrate my Tumblr posts into this blog, I wanted to give you guys the direct link for any that are interested in follow me there. Here’s the URL:

FTL is spooled. Jumping in 3… 2… 1…


Today I resigned from my job at the small software startup.  I’m not going to go into the details as to why I left, but I’ll just say that I don’t regret joining the company, but I feel I may have regretted it if I stayed any longer due to various things (including some opportunities outside of the company).

I’ll be posting more about my future plans over at my company blog – – so if you’re interested, be sure to check that out for more details (a post will be up by Monday at the latest).

My Goals – The 2010 Edition

Over the last year, I’ve been making a list of things I want to accomplish (or at least think about accomplishing) in 2010. Now that 2010 is finally here, it’s time to define my final list of goals. I ended up with 24 goals. It’s unreasonable to think that I could focus on all 24 goals (plus any new ones that come up during the year), so I’m only going to focus on three main goals. I’m not going to ignore my other goals by any means, but these three items are the places I’m going to focus 95% of my energy this year:

Get healthy

I’ve learned a lot about healthier eating and exercise over the last year, but I’ve failed at putting it into practice for an extended period of time. I want to be healthier for quite a few good reasons and it’s time I step up and do it. For this goal, my criteria are that I must be able to sustain the lifestyle changes and my target weight is 175 (with a stretch goal of 150) by the end of the year. (I know weight isn’t the only thing that makes one “healthy”, but I’m going to use it as the measurable part of this goal anyway.)

Side income to livable levels

I already make money on the side of my day job, but it’s not much…certainly nowhere close to anything I can live off. For 2010, my goal is to find a sustainable way to bring in $2500/mo after taxes. This goal isn’t to make that much on the side each month this year, it’s to start doing it so I could support myself fully in 2011…a proof of concept essentially. If I can hit this amount, that works out to around $30K/yr which is all I need to live very comfortably at this point in my life.

See a Space Shuttle launch (in person)

I went to space camp and I love NASA (and space exploration in general), but I have yet to see a shuttle launch. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but I’ve never made the time. There are only 5 shuttle launches left (as of right now) and they all happen in 2010. I don’t care which launch I see, but I’m going to see one in person (hopefully from the VIP area so I can get a good view).