in Personal

Business 2.0 is Dead

I’ve been a loyal reader of Business 2.0 for quite a few years now.  It is one of the only magazines to which I subscribe.  I really look forward to getting it each month to see all of the new business ideas and to read the magazine’s take on various things.  Well, I just received my October copy and this is the end of the road for Business 2.0.  Apparently they never figured out how to get/keep advertisers interested in the magazine and it the magazine’s parent company decided it didn’t bring in enough cash to trouble with keeping the magazine alive.  Some of the staff are going to write for Fortune, but I just don’t think it’ll be the same.  All of the other magazines are stuffed with ads, so I may buy a 100 page magazine, but only 40 of the pages are actual content…and I’m not interested in flipping through ad after ad to find a handful of stories that interest me – so I doubt I’ll pick up a subscription to anything else to replace Business 2.0.  Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

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