in Personal

Busted Blog

While adding a Contact Me page this morning, I realized that all of my permalinks were breaking on this site. Im running WordPress on a Windows platform, which should have been fine – although Linux seems to be a better platform for PHP/MySQL/Apache based software. The fix that enabled permalinks in the past did not work on this blog (I dont know if the hosting company updated components recently or what). So, if youve been trying to check out any of the content on this site beyond the main page, it should be working once again. If you have a permalink youre trying to use, its not going to work as Ive disabled all permalinks for the moment. Im probably going to be moving to a blogging platform that is better supported on Windows – Im thinking dasBlog is one OR I might just move to a Linux host so I can keep using WordPress. Either way, if you want to link to any posts on here, use the URLs you see with the p=(number). Thats not a great way to link, but itll work until I figure out what to do about this.