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NASA Tweetup Preview

Most of you probably know I just spent a week down at NASA for the STS-133 Tweetup. 150 of us were down there to watch Discovery lift off for her final flight. It was an amazing trip even though we didn’t get to see Discovery launch (we may get a chance later). I’m going to post lots of info about the trip and my thoughts about it, but I need a bit of time to catch up on things, process my photos, and generally relax a bit. I’ll try to have some info up late this week, but in the meantime, here are some things to check out:

We have a group setup on Flickr where lots of people are sending Tweetup photos. If you’re curious about the things we saw, take a look here:

If you want to see exactly what we saw, you get watch the stream of pretty much the whole tweetup right here (note – lots of videos here…not official NASA videos and lots of them are from the parties. I know the actual tweetup content is in here somewhere though):

That’s all for now. More to come in a couple of days.

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