in Personal

Well, summer is over and I’m back home now…classes start back today…well, meetings about classes start at least.  The internship experience I had over the past few months was great and I am really looking forward to using the new knowledge this semester – especially with the MIS project team (I’ll post more about this in a day or so).  It looks like this semester classes are just going to be on Tues & Thurs which is great…granted, that means Tues & Thurs are pretty much shot for the whole semester, but I’d rather do that than have one or two classes every day of the week (except Friday – the business school doesn’t have classes on Friday…every other part of campus does, but somehow the business classes always work around that.)  This semester should have some pretty interesting challenges in several different areas.  I’m hoping to be able to get INETA started here this semester, get more visitors to my ticket exchange website ( – if you’re looking for Alabama tickets, check it out 😉 ), and then a couple of little side projects that I’ll talk about in the future…in addition to the regular course load.  Anyway, time for the first meeting of the day…more to come.